Play These Games

located through the right sidebar is a breakdown by maker and platform, plus some alphabetical separation, to every game i think is worth exploring

of note of course is that these are my own opinions and thoughts, i just wanted to give a landing point for others looking for a wide array of recommendations across a huge variety of consoles

in total, these number around 4500. I currently own about 1200 of them, and have played only around 700 or so, but my list is put together based on the video, ads, and development teams that worked on them, plus their concepts or ideas that particularly stand out to me

formatting notes

on each page, i'll note the release year, dev company, peripherals, and any standout staff members, with a short blurb and some images/links of info

also worth noting is that alphabetically, games from the same franchise will be grouped together regardless of title, with spinoffs listed after main titles

thanks for taking the time to look, i hope you enjoy !
